Research Infrastructure Registry in Cyprus
Chemistry and Material Sciences icon

Chemistry and Material Sciences

Analytical Facilities

All facilities where analytical tools are used that are based on one of the following probes or methods: electrons, photons, neutrons, radio frequency, NMR, or analytical chemistry. It does include Surface Science Laboratories dedicated to analysis and characterization of surface and interface phenomena. Different users would come from the scientific domains Chemistry, Earth science, Bio-Medical (including forensic) science and different sensitivities (Analytical Chemistry, electron microscopy laboratories); NMR facilities; surface science laboratories; xray diffraction; Electron Microscopy Laboratories, aspects in life sciences, earth, forensics; Surface Science Laboratories.

Chemical Libraries and Screening Facilities

Digital libraries related to chemistry as well as screening facilities.

Materials Synthesis or Testing Facilities

All single or multi sited facilities run by engineers and materials scientists to process or test materials with regard to predefined specifications. It includes testing and processing equipment, structural and properties characterization instruments. The facilities are relevant to the scientific domains of Engineering, Materials Sciences, Physics, and Chemistry.