Mission: The mission of CyCLOPS is to leverage cutting-edge space technologies, such as Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and Space-based Synthetic Aperture Radars (SAR) and promote the monitoring and understanding of solid earth processes and geohazards in Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean region. Objectives: The main objective of CyCLOPS are: (a) the establishment of an integrated state-of-the-art infrastructure based on GNSS and SAR to monitor Solid Earth processes and geohazards (earthquakes, landslides, land subsidence etc.) with unprecedented accuracy and reliability, (b) the establishment of a novel calibration and validation (Cal/Val) site to promote and enhance the use of current and future Earth Observation satellite missions, (c) augment the existing geodetic infrastructure, (d) form the basis for a new modernised national coordinate reference system and (e) promote critical geodetic and geophysical initiatives, and continental and global research infrastructures.
Διεύθυνση: 30 Arch. Kyprianos Street
Ταχυδρομικός Κώδικας: 3036
Πόλη: Limassol
Ιστοσελίδα: https://cyclops.cy
Επικεφαλής ΕΥ: Chris Danezis
Άτομο Επικοινωνίας ΕΥ: Chris Danezis | 25002352