Research Infrastructure Registry in Cyprus

The Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics (Dept of Biochemical Genetics)


Description and purpose of the Research Infrastructure

Mission: The mission of the Biochemical Genetics Department is to serve as a national reference laboratory for inherited metabolic disorders (IMDs) by providing high-level diagnostic services, research and education in the field of IMDs and metabolism.

Objective: The Biochemical Genetics Department was established in 1990 and specializes in the laboratory investigation of inherited metabolic disorders (IMD), also known as inborn errors of metabolism. IMDs comprise a group of more than 1500 disorders, and although individually rare, they collectively affect approximately one in every 1000 newborns. Laboratory testing is crucial for diagnosis and the timely treatment of patients. The Biochemical Genetics Department offers a broad spectrum of specialized biochemical tests covering the major groups of IMDs. The Department also engages in research and educational activities. Research directions of the Department include the understanding of pathomechanisms and approaches to improve pathological features of IMDs with a particular focus on glycogen metabolism and storage. Additional research projects conducted at the Department aim in the characterization of the molecular and biochemical basis of IMDs in Cyprus. The Biochemical Genetics Department actively engages in educational activities of the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics which include teaching and the supervision of MSc and PhD students.
















  • Academia
  • Industry



Ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) system
  • Name:  Ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) system
  • Description:  The Waters ACQUITY TQ Detector is an advanced bench top tandem quadrupole mass detector designed for ultra performance LC/MS/MS applications. The system includes an ESI+ ionization option and the IntelliStart™ technology, for automated system optimization and status monitoring. This system is ideally suited for a wide range of qualitative and quantitative applications.
  • Units:  1
  • Hosting Laboratory / Department:  Biochemical Genetics Department
Brief description of the utilization of the instrument:
This system is used for diagnostic applications (acylcarnitine, methylmalonic acid, C26:0-Lysophosphatidylcholine determination).
Year:  2011

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Gas chromatography / Mass spectrometry (GC/MS) system
  • Name:  Gas chromatography / Mass spectrometry (GC/MS) system
  • Description:  Agilent 6890N Network Gas Chromatograph compined with the 7683B Automatic Liquid Sampler (ALS) system and the 5973 inert Mass Selective Detector (MSD). The features of MSD include: an independently heated electron-ionization ion source, an independently heated hyperbolic quadrupole mass filter, a high-energy dynode (HED) electron multiplier detector and an independently heated GC/MSD interface.
  • Units:  1
  • Hosting Laboratory / Department:  Biochemical Genetics Department
Brief description of the utilization of the instrument:
This system is used for the analysis of urine organic acids.
Year:  2005
Funding Source: 
  • Own

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HPLC system with column housing, column selector and UV detector
  • Name:  HPLC system with column housing, column selector and UV detector
  • Description:  Waters Alliance 2695 HPLC system. The Separations Module is an integrated solvent and sample management platform.
  • Units:  1
  • Hosting Laboratory / Department:  Biochemical Genetics Department
Brief description of the utilization of the instrument:
It is used for vitamine A and E quantification.
Year:  1993
Funding Source: 
  • Own

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Immunoassay analyzer (chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay -CMIA technology)
  • Name:  Immunoassay analyzer (chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay -CMIA technology)
  • Description:  Abbott i1000SR immunoanalyzer, used for the quantification of a wide range of analytes in biological fluids, for diagnostic purposes.
  • Units:  1
  • Hosting Laboratory / Department:  Biochemical Genetics Department
Brief description of the utilization of the instrument:
It is used for the quantitative determination of homocysteine, B12, folate levels in blood
Funding Source: 
  • Own

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Amino Acids analyzer
  • Name:  Amino Acids analyzer
  • Description:  ARACUS ion exchange system, for the separation, identification, and quantification of amino acids in biological samples (plasma, cerebrospinal fluid, urine). Its operation is based on the principle of post-column derivatization of amino acids with ninhydrin and uses maintenance-free LED photometers.
  • Units:  1
  • Hosting Laboratory / Department:  Biochemical Genetics Department
Brief description of the utilization of the instrument:
It is used for the separation, identification, and quantification of amino acids from biological samples (plasma, cerebrospinal fluid, urine).
Year:  2017
Funding Source: 
  • Own

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Synergy H1 microplate reader
  • Name:  Synergy H1 microplate reader
  • Description:  A multimode microplate reader with monochromator-based and filter-based optics. The Hybrid Technology offers flexibility and sensitivity across a broad range of applications. The filter detection modes: a) Fluorescence Intensity, b) Fluorescence Polarization (BRET), d) Luminescence, e) Time-Resolved Fluorescence (TR-FRET) and f) UV-Vis Absorbance. Monochromator Detection Modes: a) UV-Vis Absorbance and b) Fluorescence Intensity (variable bandwidth). It has dual syringe injectors, shaking and temperature control modules.
  • Units:  1
  • Hosting Laboratory / Department:  Biochemical Genetics Department
Brief description of the utilization of the instrument:
Offers flexibility and sensitivity across a broad range of applications such as protein quantification, cell prolifferation, enzyme activity and luciferase reporter assays.
Year:  2015
Funding Source: 
  • Own

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UV/Vis spectrophotometer
  • Name:  UV/Vis spectrophotometer
  • Description:  UV/VIS spectrophotometer with sample and reference cuvette positions and precise Temperature Control for fixed wavelength and kinetic measurements.
  • Units:  2
  • Hosting Laboratory / Department:  Biochemical Genetics Department
Brief description of the utilization of the instrument:
Measures the amount of discrete wavelengths of UV or visible light that are absorbed by or transmitted through a sample in comparison to a reference or blank sample.
Year:  1996
Funding Source: 
  • Own

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