Research Infrastructure Registry in Cyprus
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Information Science and Technology

Centralised Computing Facilities

Single-sited facilities with a centralised control that enable high performance computing through supercomputers. These are relevant to all scientific domains.

Communication Networks

Facilities responsible, at national or international levels, for the provision of data communications networks, capacity and services to the research and education community in all scientific domains. The networks typically connect other networks at international, regional or metropolitan level.

Complex Data Facilities

Facilities to store huge and high dimensional data volumes and apply statistical methods to classify or cluster the data in order to extract valuable information. The facilities are relevant to Bio-Medical Sciences; Earth and Environmental Sciences; Physics; Astrophysics; Social Sciences

Distributed Computing Facilities

Facilities for virtualisation, grid and cloud computing, or capability computing that are loosely coupled, heterogeneous, and geographically dispersed distributed system with non-interactive workloads that involve a large number of files. They federate, share and coordinate distributed resources from different organisations that are not subject to centralized control, using open, general-purpose and in some cases standard protocols and interfaces to deliver non-trivial qualities of service relevant to all scientific domains.

Software Service Facilities

Facilities that provide access to well fabricated software for modelling, simulation, development, control and optimization, including software libraries/ repositories or support services for the implementation of the software, their maintenance and adaptation to new hardware platforms as well consultation regarding proper use of the software as well as training facilities for users. These are relevant to all scientific domains.