Research Infrastructure Registry in Cyprus
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Earth and Environmental Sciences

Acoustic Monitoring Stations

Non audible very low frequency waves infrasound stations, (volcano meteors monitoring, avalanches, landslides) ; audible frequency stations and hydro acoustic stations (marine mammals, multi-beam, acoustic tomography, echosounders, sodar); high frequency stations ( T-phase stations).

Atmospheric Measurement Facilities

Meteorological stations (all physical parameters that can be observed) ; Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW); Airglow; Ionospheric stations (all sky cameras, ionospheric radar); brewers; lidars; chemical compositions, pollution and radionuclides facilities; This includes atmospheric test chambers, used to conduct controlled experiments for climate change research and atmosphere related problems

Earth Observation Satellites

Including Optical-IR Earth Observation satellites and Radar Earth Observation satellites.

Earth, Ocean, Marine, Freshwater, and Atmosphere Data Centres

Platforms for the exchange of earth, oceanographic, marine, freshwater and atmospheric data and information, and for advisory services in the field of earth, ocean, marine, freshwater and atmospheric data management. National Data Centres, Designated National Agencies for international data exchange and Satellite Data Centres represent the backbone of the data and information infrastructure. National networks are usually put in place to interconnect the data centres of major national institutes. The overall objective is to significantly improve the overview and access to data and data analysis from government and research institutes.

Earthquake Simulation Laboratories

Facilities that are equipped to do computer-assisted earthquake simulation

Environmental Management Infrastructures

Pilot facilities and experimental infrastructures for management, ecological restoration and environmental mitigation of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in natural or degraded conditions (including hydrological and soil management field facilities; decontamination and bioremediation facilities and pilot plants).

Geothermal Research Facilities

Facilities that enable research, development, and demonstration of technologies to advance the use of geothermal energy as a clean, renewable, domestic power source.

In Situ Earth Observatories

Platforms and sensor technologies deployed in situ to collect environmental data (including physical, chemical and biological observations) in support of terrestrial environmental research and management activities. These facilities, including ecological habitat field stations, provide a base for trans-disciplinary research and training, with access to terrestrial field sites for survey and experimental opportunities and often supporting environmental observations and the collection of long-term time series data sets (a.o. on biodiversity).

In Situ Marine/Freshwater Observatories

Platforms and sensor technologies deployed in situ to collect environmental data (including physical, chemical and biological observations) in support of aquatic environmental research and management activities. These facilities, including marine/freshwater research centres, provide a base for trans-disciplinary research and training, with access to marine and freshwater field sites, and equipment (including research vessels that may carry large exchangeable underwater equipment/instruments ) for survey and experimental opportunities and often supporting environmental observations and the collection of long-term time series data sets (a.o. on biodiversity). Typical equipment includes: Buoys; Argo; gliders; autonomous underwater vehicles; remotely operated vehicle (Victor); Tide gauges; deep sea laboratories. Ship-time for stock assessments, polar supply, naval research, and educational courses and nonacademic research are not considered in this context. NOTE: For this inventory the atmospheric measurement facilities are kept as a separate category. This implies that some marine research centres will also fall under this category if they host an atmospheric measurement site.

Natural History Collections

Facilities that serve as a library of organisms have lived and/or are living on Earth and curation sites for materials relevant for planetary exploration. They contribute to specific research and public education in an easily accessible venue.

Polar and Cryospheric Research Infrastructures

Arctic and Antarctic stations; high altitude and mountain stations; heavy icebreakers; International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences (IPICS); ANDRILL; Polar Ionospheric stations.

Research Aircraft

Research Aircraft

Solid Earth Observatories, including Seismological Monitoring Stations

Drilling platforms and sensor technologies deployed to collect solid earth data and material in support of solid earth research and management activities. This includes facilities that collect seismological data to be added to the European Integrated Data Archive (EIDA) and made available to the scientific community. Integrated Ocean Drilling Programme (IODP) and Integrated Continental Drilling Programme (ICDP); Sediment Coring Archives; VLBI stations.