Research Infrastructure Registry in Cyprus
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Engineering and Energy

Civil Engineering Research Infrastructures

Single-sited, distributed or virtual facilities for the design, construction, testing (including the use of shaking tables) and maintenance of non-military, non-aerospace or non-mechanical large structures, typically including large buildings, transport infrastructures, bridges, dams, tunnels, sewers, plus river, coastal and public health engineering.

Electrical and Computer Engineering Infrastructure

Single- or multi-sited facilities that offer scientists and engineers access to devices for handling light, utilizing properties of light, and detecting light or access to infrastructure for research and development in the fields of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. These infrastructures may either broadly deal with electrical or electronic engineering, or be focused specifically on some of the numerous subtopics, like electronics, electric power, telecommunications, control systems, or other.

Energy Engineering Facilities (non-nuclear)

Combustion, solar, wind, production & distribution, includes, combustion test facilities and associated technologies.

Marine & Maritime Engineering Facilities

Experimental facilities in the fields of hydraulics, geophysical fluid dynamics, ship dynamics and ice engineering research. These include: Basins (both for marine research with waves and/or (tidal) currents and research on inland water issues); multi-directional wave basins; flumes (both for marine research and for research on inland water issues); towing tanks for ship dynamics research; cavitation tunnels; rotation basins for research on Coriolis-dominated issues; facilities for ice research; other hydraulic facilities. The facilities are relevant for the scientific domains Engineering, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Marine and Polar Sciences

Mechanical Engineering Facilities

Facilities dedicated to manufacturing, assembly and testing of components and systems offering services related to control, integration and realization of products and processes including modelling and simulation tools. Processing technology, road-transport vehicle development and testing are included.