Mission: The Department’s mission, as the national agency and state consultant for geological matters, is to protect the public interest thought the identification, the exploitation and protection of mineral and groundwater resources, the investigation and assessment of the geological environment and geohazards, the monitoring and assessment of seismicity, the investigation of the foundation conditions, the protection and promotion of sites of geological and mining heritage and the production and dissemination of unbiased geo-information to society.
Description: A compression testing machine is a universal testing machine (UTM) specially configured to determine a material`s strength and deformation behavior under compressive (pressing) load. A typical machine for compression tests consists of a load cell, a crosshead(s), compression test tools, electronics, and a drive system.
Units: 4
Hosting Laboratory / Department: Engineering Geology And Industrial Minerals Laboratory
Description: It can be manual or motorized with controlled speed of imposition of deformation or load
Extensiometer to measure the change in the height of the UUT during the loading step. Vernier spacemeter suitable for accurately measuring the dimensions of the test piece with an accuracy of 0.25mm.
Specimen former with its accessories (forming frame, wire saw, knives),
Sample extractor. It is used to extract the samples from the sampler. The sample should be extracted with minimum disturbance and with the same direction of extraction as sampling. Refermentation cylinder and piston. It is used for the refermentation and formation of the sample where required.
Units: 2
Hosting Laboratory / Department: Engineering Geology And Industrial Minerals Laboratory
Description: Permeability Testing Equipment include constant/falling head test sets, shelly tube permeameter & flexible wall permeability test equipment.Water tank from which water flows to the test piece and into which the water level remains constant.
Deventilation device (extraction of air bubbles from the pores of the test piece) and saturation of the test piece. It is recommended to use vacuum pump.
Manometers for measuring the water pressure.
Units: 1
Hosting Laboratory / Department: Engineering Geology And Industrial Minerals Laboratory
Name: Porosity System Vacuum impregnation pump, BUEHLEL LTD COMPANIES
Description: Porosity is the percentage of void space in a rock. It is defined as the ratio of the volume of the voids or pore space divided by the total volume. An instrument for measuring the pore volume, and hence the porosity, of a core sample. Pore volume is then obtained from the difference between bulk volume and grain volume
Units: 1
Hosting Laboratory / Department: Engineering Geology And Industrial Minerals Laboratory
Name: Point Load Equipment Tecnotest SNC Modena Italy COMPANIES
Description: The Point Load Test system consists of a 50 kN capacity load frame with a hydraulic loading ram driven by a hand pump and a digital readout. Samples of up to 50 mm diameter can be tested, the frame includes a ruler so that the distance between the conical platens before and after the test can be measured accurately.
Units: 1
Hosting Laboratory / Department: Engineering Geology And Industrial Minerals Laboratory
Name: Sand Equivalent Equipment - Soil Test, INC, MODEL CL232
Description: The sand equivalent test set shall include all equipment necessary to perform the test: Three (3) plastic cylinders with stopper
Ruler 500 mm
Plastic solution bottle with a capacity of 5 lt
Rubber stopper with siphon for the bottle
Wetting tube of the sample
Rubber hose Stem with weight for measuring sand height
Capsule for sampling the sample
Units: 1
Hosting Laboratory / Department: Engineering Geology And Industrial Minerals Laboratory
Description: Motorized Liquid Limit Apparatus (Casagrande) are used to determine the moisture content at which clay soils pass from plastic to liquid state. The devices consist of an adjustable crank and cam mechanism, a blow counter and a removable brass cup fitted on the base.
Units: 1
Hosting Laboratory / Department: Engineering Geology And Industrial Minerals Laboratory
Name: Specific Gravity and Water Absorption Equipment Matest, Italy, S/N VO85/AA/DC 34 COMPANIES
Description: A wire basket of not more than 6.3mm mesh or a perforated container of convenient size with thin wire hangers for suspending it from the balance. A container for filling water and suspending the basket.
Units: 1
Hosting Laboratory / Department: Engineering Geology And Industrial Minerals Laboratory
Description: Porous stones. Limestones should be made of material such as silicon carbide, aluminum oxide or metal that is not corroded by moisture or substances that may be contained in the soil.
extensometers for measuring the change in the height of the specimen at the solidification stage with a sensitivity of 0,0025 mm.
Wet compartment for the preservation of specimens
Shaped specimen with its accessories
Sample extractor
Balances accurate to 0,1 g or 0,1 % of the weight of the specimen.
Drying furnace with a temperature of 105 ± 1 oC. Various other general purpose apparatus such as spatulas, knives, saws, etc. used for the preparation of the specimen.
Units: 3
Hosting Laboratory / Department: Engineering Geology And Industrial Minerals Laboratory