Mission: The Department’s mission, as the national agency and state consultant for geological matters, is to protect the public interest thought the identification, the exploitation and protection of mineral and groundwater resources, the investigation and assessment of the geological environment and geohazards, the monitoring and assessment of seismicity, the investigation of the foundation conditions, the protection and promotion of sites of geological and mining heritage and the production and dissemination of unbiased geo-information to society.
Description: Bencthtop X-ray powder diffractometer used for the estimation of the main mineralogical phases and the percentage of crystallinity in geological samples
Units: 1
Hosting Laboratory / Department: Geochemical - Chemical Laboratory
Name: Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (ED-XRF)
Description: Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence spectrometer used for the non-destructive analytical identification and quantification elemental compositions in geological samples
Units: 1
Hosting Laboratory / Department: Geochemical - Chemical Laboratory