Mission: The Pesticide Residues and POPs Lab of the SGL (PR-SGL) is the National Reference Laboratory (NRL) for Pesticides Residues in Food and the Official Laboratory for the Monitoring & Surveillance of Pesticide Residues in Food of Plant and Animal Origin. The Laboratory has been also nominated as the NRL for POPs analysis in Food. Objective:The Pesticide Residues Lab (PR-SGL) of the State General Laboratory, a department of the Ministry of Health, is the Official Laboratory of Monitoring and Surveillance of pesticide residues in food of plant and animal origin. The PR-SGL in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, design and implement the monitoring program for both the local market and imports. Also in cooperation with the Department of Agricultutre and Veterinary Services, departments of Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, for the monitoring control of organic plant products and food of animal origin. The sampling is focused at the key points of food chain: market, import, processing, primary storage producers, etc.
Name: Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled with tandem Mass Spectrometer (UPLC-MS/MS)
Description: Analytical system for the detection and quantification of pesticide residues in plant and animal origin samples, for multi-residue and single residue methods.
Units: 4
Hosting Laboratory / Department: State General Laboratory/ Laboratory for the Control of Pesticide Residues and POPs in food
Name: Gas Chromatography coupled with tandem Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS/MS)
Description: Analytical system for the detection and quantification of pesticide residues in plant and animal origin samples, for multi-residue and single residue methods.
Units: 2
Hosting Laboratory / Department: State General Laboratory/ Laboratory for the Control of Pesticide Residues and POPs in food
Name: Gas Chromatograph with FPD detector (GC-FPD)
Description: Analytical system for the detection and quantification of dithiocarbamate pesticide residues (as carbon disulfide) in plant origin food products.
Units: 1
Hosting Laboratory / Department: State General Laboratory/ Laboratory for the Control of Pesticide Residues and POPs in food