Mission: The Robotics Control and Decision Systems Digital Innovation Hub (RCDS DIH) was founded in 2011 by Dr. Savvas G. Loizou at the Cyprus University of Technology to address the global challenges in the fields of Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Objective: RCDS DIH offers a one-stop-facility for everything related to developing and using robotics in the real world. On the research from we offer integrated design and realization of operational solutions ranging from mathematical modeling and operational theater analysis to the design, development and adaptation of specialized robotic/mechatronic systems and up to the design and development of autonomous or/and supervised desision making and execution at multiple levels. In addition, as a Digital Innovatoin Hub, part of the RIMA DIH network, we offer an array of technology, business, and ecosystem services that include: Strategic RDI, Contract research for technology and product development, Technical support with scaling up, Project development support, Incubator/accelerator support, Market analysis, Strategy development, Ecosystem learning, Training and education.